Historic or Old Home
Inspection Specialists
Historic Building Inspectors
Requirements for
An individual, experienced, full time inspector must:
Have passed the
NHIE1, or the
NAHI CRI exam.
Have completed
at least 200 fee paid inspections.
Maintain at
least 16 hours of continuing education credits annually. 2
Be or have been
actively involved in historic preservation3 or have
obtained a Certificate in Preservation Skills and Technology
or have
attended an Association For
Preservation Technology conference.
Maintain valid
State or Municipal license(s).4
ethical standards as defined by State license requirements
or by the Code of Ethics of either
ASHI® or
Pay annual dues
of only $30.00
Two (2) inspection reports of buildings constructed prior to 1925 are to be
submitted for review and must:
Be narrative
style format.
ASHI® or
expertise in evaluating and reporting on structural and
mechanical conditions observed in historic buildings.
Frequent Questions about Membership
Q: I meet all the general inspection requirements, have done thousands
of inspections of old homes and restored my own historic home, but I have not
been involved in any preservation projects or education. Would I qualify for
A: No. Beyond the technical experience requirements, we are looking for
potential members that have shown they have an understanding of historic
preservation standards and encourage historic home buyers and owners to
preserve the character of historic properties. That is why we require a member
to have been actively involved with a public historic site, historic district
or society, or have earned a Certificate in Preservation Skills and Technology.
In other words, we are looking beyond an applicant's home inspection career for
some evidence of truly caring about promoting historic preservation and
increasing their knowledge of historic buildings.
Q: I don't meet all of the requirements for membership yet. Is there a
"candidate" or "associate" membership level?
A: No, but please continue to persue meeting all of the requirements. If
you need any advice, please do not hesitate to
e-mail the Director, or contact a
member in your area.
Q: Inspection companies in our area all use checklists and not narrative
style reports. Realtors seem to prefer quicker, easier reporting formats. Why
does HBIA require a narrative report?
A: We feel that a narrative report is necessary to properly educate
historic home buyers and document repairs, improvements and maintenance issues.
Each historic home is so uniquely different that no "checklist with
comments" report could adequately describe the information the buyers need
and deserve. Some of that information is educating the buyers about making
repairs and improvements while preserving important historic details that could
not be included in simpler report formats. Regarding realtors wanting quicker,
easier reports: They are not our clients, the buyers/owners are!

Logo (Sample)
for Approved Members: |
1 Or the "ASHI Exam"
before the existence of the NHIE.
2 Must be courses or seminars approved by the inspector's State
licensing Board, ASHI®
or NAHI.
Seminars at the Restoration &
Renovation Conference and/or other courses for a Certificate in
Preservation Skills and Technology.
3 This includes paid or volunteer service as a Board member,
director, consultant or advisor to a public historic site, historic district or
society. Other education or certifications in preservation technology will be
4If required in the inspector's service area. |